4737th tallest in the world (shared with 117 other buildings) 4516th tallest on the Northern Hemisphere (shared with 113 other buildings) 3714th tallest in Asia (shared with 80 other buildings) 2333rd tallest in China (shared with 48 other buildings) 19th tallest in Wuxi (shared with 1 other building)159th tallest built in 2013 (shared with 10 other buildings) 143rd tallest built in Asia in 2013 (shared with 9 other buildings) 81st tallest built in China in 2013 (shared with 6 other buildings) Tallest built in Wuxi in 2013 (shared with 1 other building)2467th most northern skyscraper 4388th most southern skyscraper 5448th most western skyscraper 1407th most eastern skyscraper Tallest within 1 kilometre (1 equally tall building in that area) 15th tallest within 10 kilometres (1 equally tall building in that area) 55th tallest within 100 kilometres (1 equally tall building in that area) 1269th tallest within 1000 kilometres (19 equally tall buildings in that area) 2813th tallest within 2000 kilometres (65 equally tall buildings in that area) 3309th tallest within 5000 kilometres (72 equally tall buildings in that area) Most floors within 1 kilometre (1 building with same floor number) 15th most floors within 10 kilometres (1 building with same floor number) 51st most floors within 100 kilometres (5 buildings with same floor number) 1188th most floors within 1000 kilometres (78 buildings with same floor number) 2763rd most floors within 2000 kilometres (155 buildings with same floor number) 3262nd most floors within 5000 kilometres (181 buildings with same floor number)1.03 kilometres from the closest taller building