1899th tallest in the world (shared with 38 other buildings) 1802nd tallest on the Northern Hemisphere (shared with 34 other buildings) 1500th tallest in Asia (shared with 31 other buildings) 915th tallest in China (shared with 20 other buildings) 131st tallest in Shenzhen (shared with 1 other building)26th tallest built in 2007 (shared with 1 other building) 23rd tallest built in Asia in 2007 (shared with 1 other building) 13th tallest built in China in 2007 (shared with 1 other building) Tallest built in Shenzhen in 20074983rd most northern skyscraper 2114th most southern skyscraper 4233rd most western skyscraper 2864th most eastern skyscraper8th tallest within 1 kilometre 74th tallest within 10 kilometres (1 equally tall building in that area) 280th tallest within 100 kilometres (6 equally tall buildings in that area) 515th tallest within 1000 kilometres (9 equally tall buildings in that area) 981st tallest within 2000 kilometres (23 equally tall buildings in that area) 1282nd tallest within 5000 kilometres (30 equally tall buildings in that area)4th most floors within 1 kilometre (1 building with same floor number) 65th most floors within 10 kilometres (10 buildings with same floor number) 340th most floors within 100 kilometres (66 buildings with same floor number) 621st most floors within 1000 kilometres (95 buildings with same floor number) 986th most floors within 2000 kilometres (149 buildings with same floor number) 1335th most floors within 5000 kilometres (183 buildings with same floor number)241 metres from the closest taller building