1650th tallest in the world (shared with 99 other buildings) 1565th tallest on the Northern Hemisphere (shared with 96 other buildings) 1291st tallest in Asia (shared with 89 other buildings) 783rd tallest in China (shared with 53 other buildings) 3rd tallest in Ganzhou141st tallest built in 2021 (shared with 7 other buildings) 121st tallest built in Asia in 2021 (shared with 7 other buildings) 75th tallest built in China in 2021 (shared with 4 other buildings) Tallest built in Ganzhou in 20213797th most northern skyscraper 3171st most southern skyscraper 5022nd most western skyscraper 1946th most eastern skyscraper Tallest within 1 kilometre 3rd tallest within 10 kilometres 3rd tallest within 100 kilometres 631st tallest within 1000 kilometres (42 equally tall buildings in that area) 880th tallest within 2000 kilometres (61 equally tall buildings in that area) 1101st tallest within 5000 kilometres (77 equally tall buildings in that area) Most floors within 1 kilometre Most floors within 10 kilometres Most floors within 100 kilometres 515th most floors within 1000 kilometres (67 buildings with same floor number) 727th most floors within 2000 kilometres (107 buildings with same floor number) 890th most floors within 5000 kilometres (137 buildings with same floor number)1.5 kilometres from the closest taller building