4479th tallest in the world (shared with 112 other buildings) 215th tallest on the Southern Hemisphere (shared with 3 other buildings) 79th tallest in South America (shared with 1 other building) 15th tallest in Brazil Tallest in Nova Lima324th tallest built in 2018 (shared with 6 other buildings) 5th tallest built in South America in 2018 3rd tallest built in Brazil in 2018 Tallest built in Nova Lima in 20186623rd most northern skyscraper 206th most southern skyscraper 1185th most western skyscraper 5644th most eastern skyscraper Tallest within 1 kilometre Tallest within 10 kilometres Tallest within 100 kilometres 14th tallest within 1000 kilometres 15th tallest within 2000 kilometres 38th tallest within 5000 kilometres Most floors within 1 kilometre Most floors within 10 kilometres Most floors within 100 kilometres 28th most floors within 1000 kilometres (4 buildings with same floor number) 30th most floors within 2000 kilometres (4 buildings with same floor number) 54th most floors within 5000 kilometres (6 buildings with same floor number)481 kilometres from the closest taller building