5861st tallest in the world (shared with 97 other buildings) 5591st tallest on the Northern Hemisphere (shared with 91 other buildings) 834th tallest in North America (shared with 16 other buildings) 679th tallest in the United States (shared with 15 other buildings) 252nd tallest in New York City (shared with 3 other buildings)290th tallest built in 2019 (shared with 8 other buildings) 39th tallest built in North America in 2019 (shared with 1 other building) 22nd tallest built in the United States in 2019 (shared with 1 other building) 9th tallest built in New York City in 2019766th most northern skyscraper 6211th most southern skyscraper 1070th most western skyscraper 5907th most eastern skyscraper Tallest within 1 kilometre 247th tallest within 10 kilometres (3 equally tall buildings in that area) 263rd tallest within 100 kilometres (3 equally tall buildings in that area) 406th tallest within 1000 kilometres (4 equally tall buildings in that area) 621st tallest within 2000 kilometres (10 equally tall buildings in that area) 914th tallest within 5000 kilometres (17 equally tall buildings in that area) Most floors within 1 kilometre 288th most floors within 10 kilometres 309th most floors within 100 kilometres 496th most floors within 1000 kilometres (3 buildings with same floor number) 757th most floors within 2000 kilometres (4 buildings with same floor number) 1101st most floors within 5000 kilometres (6 buildings with same floor number)1.48 kilometres from the closest taller building