3298th tallest in the world (shared with 74 other buildings) 3140th tallest on the Northern Hemisphere (shared with 71 other buildings) 455th tallest in North America (shared with 19 other buildings) 377th tallest in the United States (shared with 15 other buildings) 56th tallest in Chicago (shared with 1 other building)21st tallest built in 1992 13th tallest built in North America in 1992 11th tallest built in the United States in 1992 3rd tallest built in Chicago in 1992568th most northern skyscraper 6409th most southern skyscraper 296th most western skyscraper 6681st most eastern skyscraper21st tallest within 1 kilometre (1 equally tall building in that area) 56th tallest within 10 kilometres (1 equally tall building in that area) 56th tallest within 100 kilometres (1 equally tall building in that area) 133rd tallest within 1000 kilometres (3 equally tall buildings in that area) 383rd tallest within 2000 kilometres (13 equally tall buildings in that area) 495th tallest within 5000 kilometres (20 equally tall buildings in that area)21st most floors within 1 kilometre (3 buildings with same floor number) 88th most floors within 10 kilometres (3 buildings with same floor number) 89th most floors within 100 kilometres (3 buildings with same floor number) 202nd most floors within 1000 kilometres (11 buildings with same floor number) 525th most floors within 2000 kilometres (33 buildings with same floor number) 676th most floors within 5000 kilometres (50 buildings with same floor number)322 metres from the closest taller building