4288th tallest in the world (shared with 68 other buildings) 4095th tallest on the Northern Hemisphere (shared with 64 other buildings) 3369th tallest in Asia (shared with 53 other buildings) 234th tallest in the United Arab Emirates (shared with 4 other buildings) 184th tallest in Dubai (shared with 3 other buildings)78th tallest built in 2007 (shared with 1 other building) 66th tallest built in Asia in 2007 (shared with 1 other building) 9th tallest built in the United Arab Emirates in 2007 8th tallest built in Dubai in 20074012th most northern skyscraper 3047th most southern skyscraper 1984th most western skyscraper 5075th most eastern skyscraper8th tallest within 1 kilometre 112th tallest within 10 kilometres (2 equally tall buildings in that area) 207th tallest within 100 kilometres (3 equally tall buildings in that area) 313th tallest within 1000 kilometres (6 equally tall buildings in that area) 414th tallest within 2000 kilometres (8 equally tall buildings in that area) 798th tallest within 5000 kilometres (14 equally tall buildings in that area)10th most floors within 1 kilometre 143rd most floors within 10 kilometres 280th most floors within 100 kilometres (1 building with same floor number) 420th most floors within 1000 kilometres (2 buildings with same floor number) 549th most floors within 2000 kilometres (2 buildings with same floor number) 1190th most floors within 5000 kilometres (5 buildings with same floor number)405 metres from the closest taller building