1916th tallest in the world (shared with 54 other buildings) 1816th tallest on the Northern Hemisphere (shared with 51 other buildings) 1514th tallest in Asia (shared with 43 other buildings) 41st tallest in Japan (shared with 2 other buildings) 30th tallest in Tokyo (shared with 2 other buildings)128th tallest built in 2017 (shared with 5 other buildings) 110th tallest built in Asia in 2017 (shared with 5 other buildings) 2nd tallest built in Japan in 2017 2nd tallest built in Tokyo in 20171851st most northern skyscraper 5109th most southern skyscraper 6704th most western skyscraper 256th most eastern skyscraper8th tallest within 1 kilometre 30th tallest within 10 kilometres (2 equally tall buildings in that area) 32nd tallest within 100 kilometres (2 equally tall buildings in that area) 59th tallest within 1000 kilometres (6 equally tall buildings in that area) 351st tallest within 2000 kilometres (14 equally tall buildings in that area) 1117th tallest within 5000 kilometres (32 equally tall buildings in that area)18th most floors within 1 kilometre (1 building with same floor number) 119th most floors within 10 kilometres (10 buildings with same floor number) 137th most floors within 100 kilometres (13 buildings with same floor number) 290th most floors within 1000 kilometres (16 buildings with same floor number) 1123rd most floors within 2000 kilometres (35 buildings with same floor number) 3656th most floors within 5000 kilometres (99 buildings with same floor number)195 metres from the closest taller building